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The Importance of Biblical Literacy Pt. 2

The Importance of Biblical Literacy Pt. 2

Most surveys in the last 10 years about Biblical Literacy in the US have been trending downward. You may have seen some of the stats:
  • Fewer than half of adults can name all 4 Gospels.
  • 60% of Americans can’t name 5 of the 10 Commandments.
  • 12% of adults believe that Joan of Arc was Noah’s wife.
The best way to stem the tide of Biblical illiteracy is to train kids to read and love the Bible. However, just knowing this isn’t enough because it needs to be put into practice. And that can be the most challenging part. Here is some good advice from Jon Nielson, author of Reading the Bible with Your Kids. We believe if you put this into practice, you’ll strengthen the bond of faith and family by making the Word of God central in your household.
  1. Pick a regular time and place for Bible reading.
  2. Read short chunks.
  3. Stop to explain and gauge comprehension.
  4. Think of age-appropriate questions for discussion.
  5. Connect each passage to Jesus.
  6. Let Bible reading lead to prayer.
The best way to foster a love for God’s Word in your child is to show them what a love for God’s Word looks like. This can be done by reading the Bible with your kids. Based on the NASB, the Power Bible is a tool that can help you do just that, engage your child with an age appropriate presentation of the Bible in a beautifully illustrated and solidly Biblical way. Not familiar with the Power Bible? Find out why professors from Biola and Westminster endorse this full-color comic format of the Bible. Learn more here:
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