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Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the NASB 95 With Us All Year Long!

Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the NASB 95 With Us All Year Long!

Last year The Lockman Foundation allowed us to do some photography in their archive room. Rich in history, the room contains editions of the NASB done through the decades by multiple publishers. As we opened boxes, at times it seemed like the Bibles came straight from the bindery. The distinct crackle of opening a gilded Bible for the first time is unmistakable. That afternoon the two of us received a rare and privileged experience that gave us a deep sense of the rich history of the NASB. As we photographed dozens of pristine editions from the 70s, 80s, 90s, there was one copy that stood out.

That specific Bible is a one-of-a-kind, well-worn, taped-up hardcover with handwritten notes. The notes are from the hand of Dr. Reuben A. Olson, one of the original NASB translators. Here is a rarely seen list of the names of the original NASB translators:

The Lockman Foundation did not release the original translators’ names back when the NASB was first published, but we know them now. Not only were these men teachers, but more importantly they were faithful students of God’s Word. The list reads like a best-of compilation of biblical academic authors and the church still benefits greatly from many of their written works beyond the NASB. 

The ‘95 edition is also a part of the NASB’s legacy. This year, in tandem with The Lockman Foundation, we are celebrating its 25th Anniversary. Twice a month we will post a Throwback Thursday image from those amazing NASB editions from yesteryear.

For some, the images might remind you of your first NASB, or the treasured copy of a loved one. Please consider sharing your own pictures to our Facebook posts if you have the same edition in any binding and in any condition (#25ofNASB95). As C. H. Spurgeon said, “A Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t.” So, while our posted photos might look like a Bible sitting in a museum vault, the best images are ones from you, showing years of time spent reading and studying God’s Word.

Today, we felt it appropriate to start our series with this edition, dated 1971. Even then, the translators were considering updating the language. The preface to the NASB 95 contains the following excerpt in the Explanation of General Format section…







“Thy,” “Thee” and “Thou” are not used in this edition and have been rendered as “Your and “You.”
As our next NASB 95 launches in February, we are grateful for the work of the translators, and for The Lockman Foundation’s partnership in publishing.
We hope you enjoy the series as we celebrate together the 25th Anniversary of the NASB 95 edition! 


Chris Scotti
VP and Publisher
Three Sixteen Publishing

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