One with a Shepherd: The Tears and Triumphs of a Ministry Marriage
Whether or not you see yourself as especially gifted or prepared for your role, you were given to your husband so as to uniquely help him perform the ministry to which God has called him.
The truth is, you may need some encouragement—a booster shot. You may be weary from being on the front lines, so I hope this book is an aid to that end. Our primary source of encouragement will be God’s all sufficient Word, but I will also share experiences and lessons from the lives of wives throughout church history and from my own life. You too, dear sister, have a significant part to play in your husband’s life and ministry. I know it isn’t easy. It is a demanding role. But we are all in this together.
The title of this book, One with a Shepherd, sums up what I believe is the key to a fulfilled life as a ministry wife: that we are one with the Good Shepherd and called to unity in our marriages to under-shepherds of Christ’s flock.
(Adapted from the Introduction)
Mary Somerville served alongside her husband Bob for over 35 years as he shepherded churches in New Jersey and California. She has counseled and discipled women in church, parachurch, and university settings. They have two married children, 10 grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
Page Count: 304
Binding: Paperback
Dimensions: 9" x 6"
Weight: 1.7 lbs
ISBN: 9781636644189