Just Thinking: About The State by Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker
“The ministry which God has entrusted to me is known for engaging false doctrine and false teachers, but I have never witnessed anything so destructive that has been accepted so quickly and so uncritically by so many evangelicals as the Social Justice Movement. It has swept into the church like wildfire and has, to varying degrees, been promoted by voices that have long been trusted as theologically conservative stalwarts of truth. Many Christians are confused as to how to even understand these issues, much less how to biblically engage them – understandably so. Many are afraid of being called a racist if they do not acquiesce to the prevailing cultural winds. This is why I am so profoundly grateful for Just Thinking: About the State. In this book, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker engage hot-button issues with intellectual rigor and theological precision. They pull no punches and make no apologies in diagnosing the root problems our society faces and in calling Christians to boldly stand on God’s unchanging Word. I am honored to count both Darrell and Virgil as personal friends and could not be more enthusiastic in commending this tremendously helpful resource to you.”
JUSTIN PETERS - Justin Peters Ministries
“Christianity has always had a complicated relationship with civil government, yet as American culture races away from biblical values at an alarming rate, Christians are being forced to think more carefully about what the Bible says about government than they have in the recent past. In Just Thinking: About the State, Darrell Harrison and Virgil Walker have provided an invaluable tool to help Christians do just that. The greatest strength of this book is its reliance on the sufficiency and authority of God’s Word in thinking carefully about relevant issues such as the nature of government, capitalism, abortion, politics, ethnicty, and elections. The Bible is not silent about civil government—indeed, God himself instituted it; so Darrell and Virigil wisely and pastorally guide modern Christians to think biblically about these matters in an age when so many extra-biblical ideologies battle for our attention. This is a must-read resource to help Christians discern how to live faithfully in their dual citizenship in the kingdom of God and the kingdoms of men.”
SCOTT ANIOL - Associate Professor and Director of Doctoral Worship Studies, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Darrell Harrison serves as Dean of Social Media at Grace to You, the media ministry of Dr. John MacArthur. He is cohost of the Just Thinking podcast, one of the leading long-form Christian podcasts in the world. Darrell is a fellow of the Black Theology and Leadership Institute at Princeton Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing certification as a biblical counselor with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. A native of Atlanta, Georgia, Darrell and his wife Melissa reside in Santa Clarita, California. They have three adult children: Collin, Naomi, and Yasmine, each of whom resides in Georgia.
Virgil Walker serves as Executive Director of Operations at G3 Ministries. He is co-host of the Just Thinking podcast, one of the leading long-form Christian podcasts in the world. Virgil is a student at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he is pursuing the completion of his Masters of Theological Studies. Virgil and his wife Tomeka live in Douglasville, Georgia. They have three kids: Princess, Princeton, and Price.
Page Count: 189
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 9 × 6 × 0.5 in
ISBN: 9781943539239
Weight: 0.8 lbs