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316 offices will be closed Monday 2/17 for Presidents' Day. Shipping will resume Tuesday 2/18 for orders received throughout the weekend.

Preaching and Hearing God’s Word by James Coates

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Original price $12.82
Current price $11.53
SKU EXG30005

“A must read for all who preach and all who listen.” —John MacArthur

Preaching and Hearing God’s Word provides a biblically robust and elevated theology of preaching. The word of God is critical to the believer’s spiritual growth and the preached word is normally the most potent and powerful expression of its ministry. If the believer is to appropriate its full sanctifying potential, then effective listening is of immense importance. This requires action on the part of the hearer before, during, and after the moment of preaching. As such, Preaching and Hearing God’s Word also equips the hearer to listen well, with a view to the building up of the body of Christ.


"If you are a preacher, you need to read this book. If you are a listener, you need to read this book.

The God ordained method for the proclamation of the gospel and instruction in biblical truth is through preaching. Not everything that calls itself preaching comes even close to fitting the biblical pattern. True preaching is necessarily tightly tied to the text of Holy Scripture. It is an interpretation and explanation of the Word of God that leads to necessary implications and compelling applications, but it all starts with Divine Revelation.

James Coates understands this, and he has wonderfully articulated the priority and centrality of biblical preaching.

He also understands that as important as preaching is, so important is listening. Throughout Scripture we are told to hear the Word of the Lord. Skilled preaching deserves skilled listening. James has captured both of these in his forceful book and cleared away the fog that surrounds so much preaching today (and perhaps most listening). Since God’s ordained method of communicating His truth is through preaching, his ordained method of responding to truth has to be through thoughtful listening.

These things come together in a fresh way in this book. It is a must read for all who preach and all who listen."

John MacArthur, Pastor, Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, California; Chancellor, The Master’s University and Seminary

"Lloyd-Jones once stated that the most important work in the world is the preaching of God’s Word. He was right. In these pages, the flame of that conviction blazes. James Coates has done exemplary work in showing that preaching is not first a man-oriented work; preaching is first a God-centered work. It involves all the humility and hard work a man can muster by the power of the Spirit, but it is still more a divine task than an earthly one. As such, it is inestimably glorious and impossibly exciting. Whether you’re a preacher or a hearer of the Word, read this text, be encouraged by it, and give thanks to God for James Coates, a faithful servant of Christ, a young hero of the faith, and an excellent preacher of the Word."

Owen Strachan, Provost, Grace Bible Theological Seminary; author, Christianity and Wokeness

"The health and strength of a local church is directly connected to that church’s commitment to God’s Word. The need of the hour is not ecclesiastical entrepreneurs or marketing strategists to lead the church onward. The need of the hour is for bold men of God to take their stand on Scripture and passionately shepherd souls and defend the faith. This book by James Coates is a refreshing read filled with doctrinal and practical truths that will encourage you in the faith."

Josh Buice, Pastor, Pray’s Mill Baptist Church; Founder and President of G3 Ministries

"The milquetoast ear-tickling sermonettes coming from most evangelical churches today bears no resemblance to the scripturally saturated preaching that used to thunder from pulpits across Europe and America that changed the lives of millions. In his book Preaching and Hearing God’s Word, James Coates has written a very needed and practical book reminding us that preaching remains God’s ordained means of calling lost sheep to the Shepherd and building His church. In an evangelical climate in which true preaching has fallen out of favor, this book will deepen your confidence in the power of heralding God’s Word. The fact that James endured governmental persecution from living these truths out lends even more credibility to this work and it is my absolute joy to commend it to you."

Justin Peters, Evangelist and Apologist

"The public proclamation of the Word of God is God’s ordained means to build His church—the success of the church depends on it. In this book, James Coates clearly demonstrates this and exhorts preacher and listener alike to come to the Word prepared. What makes this book so valuable is that it isn’t another manual on preaching written to preachers—James writes to the entire church. What is written here will increase the church’s love, honor, and reverence for preaching to the glory of God and for the good of the church. I’ve seen this at James’s church. He is a faithful brother who has led his church to do this, both in and out of season."

Tim Stephens, Senior Pastor, Fairview Baptist Church, Calgary, Alberta

"In this volume, James Coates calls us to do what we’ve watched him already do, and that is yield to the text of Scripture in preaching and in living. With insightful application built on sound doctrine, you will benefit from this volume, wherever you find yourself located in relation to the pulpit at church, whether preaching from behind the pulpit or listening in front of it in the pew. He instructs preachers to preach faithfully, and those who listen to preaching to listen faithfully."

Jacob Reaume, Senior Pastor, Trinity Bible Chapel, Waterloo, Ontario



James Coates is the pastor-teacher of GraceLife Church of Edmonton, Canada. He graduated with MDiv and DMin degrees from The Master’s Seminary. He and his wife, Erin, have two sons.


Page Count: 109
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 8 x 5 x 0.26 in
Weight: .3125 lbs
ISBN: 9798985518771

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