Legacy Standard Bible, New Testament Workbook - Case Lot
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The perfect workbook for in-depth study of the entire New Testament. The exceptionally wide margins and full reference system make the LSB New Testament Workbook ideal for extensive sermon and lesson notes.
Please note: this workbook contains only Scripture, footnotes, and cross references.
Black letter text with 10-point font
- Over 27,000 cross references
- Over 3,700 translation footnotes
- Over 2 inches of space on all four sides of each page for notes
- 2-column, paragraph layout
- Same line-by-line and page-by-page word order as the LSB Giant Print Reference
- Thick, opaque paper
- 432 pages
- Tables for weights, measurements and monetary units
- 4 detailed Bible maps
- Dimensions: 8.5" x 11" x 1"
Three Commitments of the LSB:
The Legacy Standard Bible aspires to be a legacy preserved:
to uphold the work and tradition that is found in translations from the KJV, ASV, to NASB.
The Legacy Standard Bible aspires to be a legacy performed:
to advance the commitments of past translations by bringing forth features of the original text relative to accuracy and consistency.
The Legacy Standard Bible aspires to be a legacy passed on:
to equip generations to study Scripture and continue the philosophy of being a window into the original text for the glory of God.
The following specifications are for an individual unit of the New Testament Workbook.
LSB New Testament Workbook: 9781636643434
8.5" x 11" x 1"