Leading with Love by Alexander Strauch
Though a wealth of good material is available on the leadership qualities of courage, charisma, discipline, vision, and decisiveness, few books for church leaders include anything about love. This is a major oversight since the New Testament is clear that love is indispensable to service. In the absence of love, Christian leadership counts for nothing (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Leading with Love was written to address this vital topic.
In Alexander Strauch’s recent book, he powerfully portrays love as the one leadership quality no church leader can afford to do without. “When leaders and teachers discover what the Bible says about love,” he writes, “it dramatically improves their relationship skills, effectiveness in ministry, and ability to resolve conflict and division. Leading with love is indispensable to producing spiritually healthy churches, reaching others for Christ, and pleasing God. It all hinges on love.”
This book is written for leaders and teachers at every level of leadership within the local church. Whether you are a Sunday school teacher, youthworker, men’s or women’s ministry leader, Bible study teacher, small group leader, administrator, music director, elder, deacon, pastor, or missionary, love is essential to you and your ministry.
Alexander Strauch was raised in New Jersey and converted to Christ at a Bible camp in New York State. He received his undergraduate degree from Colorado Christian University and went on to earn his Master’s in Divinity degree from Denver Seminary. For over 40 years he has served as an elder at Littleton Bible Chapel near Denver, Colorado. Additionally, he has taught philosophy and New Testament literature at Colorado Christian University. A gifted Bible teacher and popular speaker, Alex has helped thousands of churches worldwide through his expository writing ministry. He is the author of Biblical Eldership, Paul’s Vision for the Deacon, Men and Women: Equal Yet Different, The Hospitality Commands, Agape Leadership (with Robert L. Peterson), Meetings That Work, Leading with Love, Love or Die: Christ’s Wake-up Call to the Church, and If You Bite and Devour One Another. Alex and his wife, Marilyn, reside in Littleton, Colorado, near their four adult daughters and 11 grandchildren.
Page Count: 201
Binding: Softcover
Dimensions: 9" x 6"
ISBN: 9780936083216