Year End LSB Project Update & NASB News Too! - December 2022
With Christmas and New Year’s approaching, we want to provide the last LSB Project Update (with some NASB news too) for 2022. It has been a year of abundant growth for us at Three Sixteen Publishing! We are grateful to all of you and to Yahweh for the privilege of being involved in the publishing of His Holy Word and equipping the saints for the work of ministry!
The end of November and beginning of December were the peaks of our holiday shipping crunch. Our warehouse received three container loads of new products, including the LSB Scripture Study Notebooks, LSB 2 Column Verse-by-Verse editions, LSB Children’s editions as well as a reprint of our NASB Children’s editions. While pallets of goods were coming in, we were shipping out truckloads of website orders and retailer purchase orders. We asked for people to be praying and we must say that our incoming overseas shipments were moving through the ports at record speed! This year we received shipments 3-6 weeks sooner than the fall of 2021.
Our inventory has held up pretty well this Christmas, but there are a few styles that we have already run out of or are very low on. We are currently evaluating our stock levels and getting reprints started. Supply chains are becoming more stable, but Bible production still takes patience.
The LSB readership continues to grow at a significant pace, in part due to the growth of the many new digital editions that have become available over the last 4 months. We thank you for sharing the LSBible.org website that has insightful information from the translation team about the many ways the LSB is a window into the original text.
One exciting development is a tool from Blue Letter Bible that allows websites to have Bible verse references display the LSB text when hovered over. This is especially helpful for churches. The instructions to implement it on your website are provided at the link above.
The one question you all are wondering is: Where in the world is the Inside Column Reference? According to our shipper, it is currently in the Pacific Ocean, headed for the California coast. The estimated arrival time at the port is the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. It will then be brought to our warehouse, after it clears customs.
This is the first of two ICR containers. This shipment left South Korea on December 16, four days later than expected due to port delays. Within a day of its arrival in our Irvine warehouse we will begin shipping out preorders and that could take us up to 4 business days to complete.
The second container should be arriving in mid-January, at which point retailer shipments will go out. There are some edge-lined styles that are sold out for the first shipment and will be available again for preorder once we are nearer to when the second container arrives.
Remember that you can still give an ICR as a Christmas gift that will ship within a few weeks after the 25th. Simply place your preorder, and then print our free download insert, add the order details and slide it into an envelope!
We recently received an advanced copy of our new large Bible Armor and it fits the ICR! It also fits the Large Print Wide Margin Edge-Lined Bibles (LSB and NASB) and our upcoming LSB Giant Print Reference Bible releasing in spring. This new larger Bible Armor has a handle and will be available for preorder in January, with stock arriving in February.
Other February/March arrivals that will be available for preorder in January are:
LSB Old Testament Scripture Study Notebook Set!
Dr. William Varner’s Handbook for Praying Scripture - Featuring the Legacy Standard Bible.
Steadfast Limited - NASB Large Print Compact in a new typeset for the ‘95 from the Lockman Foundation!*
Look for an email in early January containing more details about preordering these upcoming items and a few added surprises too! Next month we will also share some layout pictures of the upcoming LSB compact edition after we receive some typesetting files.
Thank you again for your part in making 2022 a memorable year for our publishing company!
With praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!
Team 316
P.S. If you don’t have a calendar or planner yet for 2023, use code LSBP for an extra 15% off! All Bella Paper planners and calendars feature Scripture from the LSB.