LSB e-Sword Study Set
The LSB Study Set includes the full text of the Legacy Standard Bible with Strong's numbers and Hebrew & Greek Dictionaries.
Once purchased, the product key/password may NOT be returned for a refund.
Before purchasing this add-on, you must first download and install the e-Sword program (free for PC). This add-on is installed from within the e-Sword program.
The e-Sword program (on various platforms), many Bible versions, and reference works are available through e-Sword.net. e-Sword is feature rich and user-friendly.
Three Sixteen Publishing is only able to provide the unlock key to use the Legacy Standard Bible with your e-Sword program. We are not able to provide technical support for e-Sword. For questions regarding your e-Sword program, please contact e-Sword directly. Basic instructions can be found here.